Electric Folk Dance Party

Electric Folk Dance Party written in green neon

Tell us what you'd like to see at Electric Folk Dance Party

Let us know your thoughts about what ideas we've had so we can make the best event possible! All the fields are optional, but we appreciate anything and everything you may want to tell us.


What styles of dance would you be interested in or enjoy dancing to electronic versions of?

Do you prefer dance styles separated out (e.g. bal, then ceilidh, then contra), or all mixed in together?

The next few questions are about playing music. If you're just interested in dancing, skip to the logistics section.


Do you own any synthesisers/electronic instruments?
Would you like to do a bring and share/show and tell with your synths?
Would you like to take part in a gear exchange/selling thing?
Would you like to take part in a synthesised session (non synth instruments would be welcome)?
Would you be interested in any of the following workshops?


Would you be up for...
If there is disco lighting, would you be unable to come?